Information on the Food Law and Policy Special Issue- papers due by the 29th of February

Call for Papers: Special Issue 7th Canadian Association for Food Law and Policy conference   The Lakehead Law Journal is pleased to be collaborating with the Canadian Association for Food Law and Policy to publish a special issue based on papers presented at the 7th annual conference titled, “Recentering Food Law and Policy: Connecting People and Place.”   The LLJ is a refereed, open access journal that publishes articles, case comments, book reviews, and book notes on legal issues in Canada. The LLJ is run by an Editorial Team made up of both students and faculty, with Professor Tenille E. Brown, Assistant professor, Bora Laskin Faculty of Law, serving as Editor-in-Chief. The LLJ publishes papers that are shorter than typical academic articles. Our hope is that shorter pieces (7000 words) will be more accessible to busy lawyers and judges, making them more likely to be cited in judgments and play a part in shaping the law.   Dates and Deadlines: Conference dates: November 2-4, 2023 UPDATED: Papers submitted to the law journal: February 29th, 2024 Peer review of papers: Spring 2024 Processing and editing of papers: Summer 2024 Anticipated publication date: Autumn 2024   Please visit for information on the online submission process, requirements, and journal policies. All new authors seeking to make a submission must register on the site. Any inquiries should be directed to Ella Carr, Managing Editor (Winter 2024), at or to Professor Tenille Brown, Editor-in-Chief, at